AC Transit is committed to ensuring that no person is denied access to its services, programs or activities on the basis of a disability, as provided by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Title II, is regulated by the Department of Justice. AC Transit’s provision of transportation facilities, vehicles and transit services are regulated by the Department of Transportation.
ADA Title II ADA Violation Complaint
Any person who wishes to file a Title II complaint may file a written complaint. YOUR COMPLAINT MUST BE IN WRITING. Title II Violation complaints shall be filed within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
If you need assistance completing the complaint form, AC Transit staff will provide assistance. Please contact AC Transit’s Senior Program Specialist at 510-891-7261 or dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Appeals Process
If you disagree with the AC Transit’s response to your allegations of an action prohibited by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you may file an appeal.
You may access the Title II Denial Appeal PDF form here or use the form below.
ADA Title II Complaint Appeals Process
If you disagree with the AC Transit’s response to your allegations of an action prohibited by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you may file an appeal. Please read the following directions.
- Complete the Request for Appeal Form and return it by the date noted in the grey box on the form. If you do not request an appeal by this date, you forfeit your right to appeal the decision.
All appeals must be submitted in writing. If you are unable to write because of a disability and need assistance in completing the form, AC Transit staff will assist by scribing your appeal request by phone. Please contact the Senior Program Specialist at (510) 891-7261 or 711 for the California Relay Service. - You will be notified of the date and time when your hearing is scheduled. If you need a language or sign language interpreter, request one at least seven (7) days in advance of the hearing. We encourage you to attend the hearing. If you are not available at the time specified but want to attend, please let us know immediately. Or, if you choose, you may send a representative to meet with the Appeals Panel, or you may submit information in writing that you’d like the Panel to consider. If you, or your representative, do not attend, after agreeing with the appointment, the Appeals Panel will make a decision based on all the information available at the time of the hearing.
- The Appeals Panel includes an AC Transit Accessible Services Representative, a member of the AC Transit Accessibility Advisory Committee and a member of the AC Transit Drivers Committee. The Appeals Panel will make a decision on your appeal within thirty (30) days of your hearing and you will be notified in writing of this decision.
- The appeal date and time will be established based on the availability of member of the Appeals Panel and within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the appeals request.
- The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.
For more information about the American With Disabilities Act Title II Regulations, please visit: